Graphic Artist – Freelance Work for HPS Simulations

Graphic Artist – Freelance Work for HPS Simulations

Hello all.

Anthony Dean Gallop here…

I thought I would write a small blog to tell you all about some freelance work that I recently completed.

The commission work was found with help from Trevor Bruce and his network of professionals.

The programmer approach me to ask if I would be interested in working on a digital remake of a existing war board game based on the famous battle of Waterloo.

Marching Eagles – Waterloo has just been released by HPS Simulations for the PC and is available at the link at the bottom of this blog if you are interested in recreating historic battles in this iconic era.

I was asked to create around 100 images of both infantry, cavelry and artillary soldier units.

I started to work on the first soldier and then quickly realised that this was going to be an interesting and intense project but then came up with a clever idea of using existing images from the First Legion website who had an impressive library of soldier models from all the famous beattle through history.

The images were of fantastic quality so I suggrested instead of me creating all the figures from scratch, why don’t we get permission from First Legion to use their stock images.

It made sense as these are historically accurate and we are under a 2 month timeframe to complete the project and I had calculated that i could take up to two days to complete 1 image so realised I had to come up with another plan so I contacted the programmer with the idea.

The prgrammer thought this could work, so he contacted First Legion and they responded with a greatly positive response saying that we were authorised to use the images.

I then went and took all the images I needed from the list I had to work from and I cleaned them up and replicated them in a format that the programmer could easily incorpoate into the game and that was it really…very simple.

I will hopefully be commissioned again to work on the next 2 games in the series.

Here are a few of the images I created…

Marching Eagles – Waterloo was released on the 1st August 2019 and is available for purchase at the link below.

link here

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