Published by : Anthony Gallop

The idea behind Mr Gunboat

My name is Anthony and i’m the graphic artist at Pixel Playbox and I also have lots of interesting ideas for games. We have over 100 ideas for game projects and I wanted to share with you all about the idea behind Mr Gunboat. I was thinking about an idea.

Graphic Artist – Freelance Work for HPS Simulations

Hello all. Anthony Dean Gallop here… I thought I would write a small blog to tell you all about some freelance work that I recently completed. The commission work was found with help from Trevor Bruce and his network of professionals. The programmer approach me to ask if I would.

Graphics, the voyage
Graphics, the voyage

Hello gamers My name is Anthony Dean Gallop and I am very proud to be the graphic artist and valued game designer at Pixel Playbox. When we sat down and thought up the game Mr Gunboat, we thought that a simple tap style game would be a good lead into.